Weighing in at a little over 2 hours, Beyond Borders is comparatively long by regular movie standards. Add to that the overall slow mood of the movie, and what you have is a serious unhurried plot that takes its time at portraying the harsh realities of poverty and civil unrest in the world. While that may not work for many light moviegoers, for the discerning few, Beyond Borders will be quite epic….the horrors and intensity of human hardship being very in the face of the audience. Also efficient is the evolution of the plot, over the movies’ 12 year timeframe; character development and world events coming across realistically as the movie runs its course. The audience gets a unique opportunity to witness Ethiopia, Cambodia, and Chechnya. Photography in many of the long shots in the distress zones is magnificent. Casual moviegoers will probably find Beyond Borders to be a drag, but if you have the patience, and if relief work in hot zones interest you, you’ll quite enjoy it.
Angelina Jolie’s performance as Sarah Jordan is remarkable; most notable being her characters evolution between 1984 and 1995. Initially she comes across as an American girl from a sheltered background, mostly concerned with stereotype thoughts of love, marriage and family. Unplanned events slowly change her, helping her discover her true passion, in a coming of age sorta way. Her portrayal being a beautiful blend of courage, with that of the tender love of a mother. Clive Owen as Nick Callahan is the brash rebel doctor, who plays a hardened man, very driven and passionate about his beliefs. While his character is slightly over the top, the representation is pretty good.
As in most cases I was watching a Region 1 US release DVD. Video was quite good, with some particular scenes being extremely sharp and clear. Color tone for most part favored warm colors, with orangish sandy brown highlights being very notable. As mentioned before, aerial mounted camera work is quite breathtaking in various shots. Sound was presented by means of a Dolby Digital 5.1 surround soundtrack. Being a serious movie, dialog was key, and this was presented well from the center channel. Ambient sounds were very good, immersing the audience into the various hot zones. Channel separation and surround stage usage was noticeable in several of the conflict scenes, and added a level of realism and intensity to the scenes.
My Recommendation: Watch It (A gripping and intense narrative of humanity and hardship)