Saturday, November 21, 2015

Argo - Snapshot


Argo is a movie that requires little introduction thanks to its 3 Oscars, and several other wins and nominations. Directed by and starring Ben Affleck, the 2012 release is based on true events of the US hostage crisis of 1980 in Iran. The plot follows the creative solution devised by lead character Tony Mendez, to rescue 6 Americans under the guise of a fake movie production. In my honest opinion, the movie was nice, but was a far cry from being stellar. I do enjoy good dramas, so I won’t attribute it to my fondness for blockbuster action movies. The recreation of the 1980’s was meticulous, and it did have a strong period feel to it. Ben Affleck’s performance as the CIA operative Tony Mendez was excellent, coming across as passionate, intelligent, and driven. Supporting performances from John Goodman and Alan Arkin were also superb, bringing in some humor through their performances. I wasn’t aware of the 1980 hostage crisis, and Argo served as a remarkable retelling of that story, keeping the reality of the incident, the turmoil, and the human element intact. If you’re into movies based on historical events, Argo is worth the watch. Otherwise there is a fair chance you’ll find the movie a tad boring. I watched this one on DVD, and believe that the content wasn’t of the highest grade. Picture was pretty decent, but nothing special. It did have a dated look to it though, which I’m guessing was intentional.

My Recommendation: Watch It  (An interesting drama based on true events)

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