Saturday, January 30, 2016

Vampires Suck - Snapshot

I remember watching a trailer for Vampires Suck a little before its release, and thought that it was crazy funny like most spoofs are. 2010 went by, so did the release of this movie, and I figured it wasn’t really popular, as no one spoke of it. I’d made a mental note to watch it, so I finally downloaded an HD rip, which sat on my hard drive for several months, till I finally got around to seeing it today.

As expected with the genre, there are some really silly moments, and some obviously ridiculous humor. But after the first 15 minutes it also starts feeling a little lifeless, and fails to keep audience enthusiasm at a boil. Though the runtime is short, just 82 minutes, it drags, and feels like an effort. I would say that it’s still possible to have casual fun with it, if you’re familiar with the Twilight movie, and are also into the parody genre. Keep in mind that at no point is it more than a totally random movie to watch, to kill a little over an hour. Jenn Proske who plays the lead role of Becca Crane is actually quite good, and is easily the best part of the movie. Incidentally this is her debut performance, and compared to the rest of the cast and their lackluster amateur performances, she is a class apart. The only other familiar face, worth mention was Diedrich Bader of Office Space fame, who plays the role of her dad, Frank Crane. The content I was sampling was a 4.37 gig, 720p rip from a BluRay source. The visuals were nice, and though I was forced to watch the content on a small 23” TN LCD screen, some of the outdoor visuals should look really nice on a big screen TV. I must admit that the setting and locales are in line with the Twilight movie. Sound was presented be means of a 5.1 soundtrack, but was largely forgettable. I noticed the volume on the center channel fluctuate, which was annoying; I had to keep throttling the volume control from time to time, to hear the dialogue properly.   
My Recommendation: Dicey (If you feel like ridiculing the Twilight saga, and are up for a parody)

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