Wednesday, May 4, 2016

The Lost World - Snapshot

Sequels always make an effort to up the ante, but usually pale in comparison to the original, as the shock value is greatly diminished. If my memory serves me right, this was the case with the 1997 sequel to Jurassic Park, titled The Lost World. With a little background to get things going, events quickly unfold to bring a new set of explorers to the Dino island, with only Ian Malcolm and John Hammond, played by Jeff Goldblum and Richard Attenborough respectively, making a return. As expected with the sequel, there are more dinosaur visuals and special effects, while the plot too takes it up a notch, now toying with the idea of bringing dinosaurs to San Diego. In true Jurassic Park style, things initially are controlled, and then as expected the humans lose control, and it becomes a routine survival game after. Goldblum’s character has some witty dialogs which further indicate this, and also periodically contribute to the comic elements in the movie. Julianne Moore who plays Sarah Harding is a wonderful addition to the cast, and possibly one of the best acts; expressing her free spirited love for adventure and exploration impeccably, while later doing magnificently in her portrayal of fear. Arliss Howard plays Peter Ludlow, who nails the role of the stereotype business executive who is clearly out of his element, and is driven just by his lofty ideas and the possible big bucks to be made. Watching the Lost World over 18 years after its release, it still made for a good watch. It has its memorable moments, one being the raptor charge sequence in the field at night, which was visually impressive. My personal favorite, which has lasted in my mind since my original viewing experience back in 1997, is the customized Mercedes truck struggling for traction in the slush, while trying to tow up the bus. If you’re looking for something remarkable and new, The Lost World has little to offer, but if you enjoy dino-mayhem, and would like to see more of the Jurassic Park franchise unfold, this second installment is worth your time. 
My Recommendation: Watch It (Man vs. Dinosaur… the survival game continues, now on Site B)

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