Friday, July 10, 2015

The Terminator - Snapshot

As part of yet another run-up to an iconic franchise, I decided to fire-up The Terminator for a re-watch. When this movie was released in 1984, clearly I was too young to see it, and my parents flatly disallowed it. In fact, it was only after seeing Terminator 2:  The Judgement Day, that I got around to watching the opening installment. My first experience with it was an original region 4 Australia DVD; specs were really good, and on a modest TV with a stereo home-theater setup, it was a decent watch. I recall the movie being a little slow, and not so much a blockbuster like the sequel. Watching it today in 2015, as a much more discerning viewer, on a 5.1 surround sound system, and a big screen, introduced me yet again to the beginning of the Terminator saga. Online research will tell you that this was a comparatively low budget effort, that was unexpectedly successful, which garnered a cult following of sorts. In keeping with that, the movie has its dull dated almost B-movie moments. Expect no glitz and glamour, usually reminiscent of blockbuster movies. Special effects are decent, considering the age of this movie; and the 6 channel surround is actually pretty impressive. I was pleasantly surprised by the positional audio in many of the scenes, some even being just ambient environment sound transitions. Though the budget was low, the acting limited, and the movie slow and dark, what shines is the narrative process. Some of it is predictable, but that’s not to say that the slow exposition of key story elements isn’t interesting. Knowing and having seen the rest of the franchise, the awe and surprise is somewhat lessened. Camera work, angles, and how some sequences are depicted are quite distinctive and memorable. There are some slightly gruesome scenes, especially the manual repair sequences for the cyborg Terminator. Going into the franchise though, a lot of the key characters are introduced here, including the doctor at the mental institution in the next installment. Similarly there are several iconic dialogs, including “Come with me if you want to live”, and “I’ll be back”. If you’re a Terminator fan, this is a must watch. On the other hand, general modern day action movie goers may find it hit or miss. 

My Recommendation: Watch It (The humble beginnings of possibly the best movie franchise ever)

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